Staying Motivated

As the nights draw in and the temperature drops, the thought of putting on your gym gear and running trainers just doesn’t seem as appealing as it once did in the warmer months.

However, in the lead up to Christmas, staying fit and healthy is certainly something that I myself am striving for. With party season almost upon us, feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin is imperative.

For me, even if I haven’t changed with regards to my body shape – if I don’t exercise, I feel really guilty! But even I must admit that energy levels seem to be at a new low with working full time and finishing a days work to walk outside and see that the sky is near enough pitch black …let’s just say a movie night in bed would be a lot more appealing than heading back outside for a gruelling workout session.

In order to combat the growing desire to hibernate, I’ve found that signing up to classes at the gym and doing Body Ignition bootcamp three times a week, certainly seems to be doing the trick!

When you have to rely on your own motivation and willpower to get you back out of the door and into the gym, you’ll notice that it becomes that much easier to skip your workout with many excuses like “i’ll just do an extra long session tomorrow” quickly swimming into your head. Only tomorrow it’s the same story and the same excuse not to leave the house!

Signing up to bootcamps and classes help solidify your commitment as you know you have said you’re going to go, you’ve paid your money and everyone else is plucking up the motivation to do it!

If you’re starting to feel yourself slip into hibernation mode, sign up to a exercise class at the gym or find a running buddy to meet at a certain spot at a certain time, this way you’ll have to get it done as you won’t want to let them down!

Making small commitments can go a long way, and your body will most definitely thank you for it. Not to mention the guilt free Christmas that you can enjoy!


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